Our Friday night programme includes games, drill and a devotional time, as well as Badgework. A Tuck Shop is open during the evening too and girls can spend up to £1!
During the year we join with the other 8 Companies in our District for competitions and activities of various sorts, and as a company we go to the Pantomime at Christmas, have a Weekend Sleepover for the Juniors, and an outing or other event for the Explorers. As well as anything else that we can find to do during the year, we sometimes run a Summer (indoor Camp) for Juniors, Seniors and Brigaders in July/August or a Sleepover for the Seniors and Brigaders sometime during the year.
Our Badgework is done from September to Easter. After Easter we practice for our Company Display. Girls are presented with their Badges and Awards at our Annual Awards Evening which is a joint event with our Boys’ Brigade Company, and is usually held on the last meeting of our summer session in July.
During the year we join with the other 8 Companies in our District for competitions and activities of various sorts, and as a company we go to the Pantomime at Christmas, have a Weekend Sleepover for the Juniors, and an outing or other event for the Explorers. As well as anything else that we can find to do during the year, we sometimes run a Summer (indoor Camp) for Juniors, Seniors and Brigaders in July/August or a Sleepover for the Seniors and Brigaders sometime during the year.
Our Badgework is done from September to Easter. After Easter we practice for our Company Display. Girls are presented with their Badges and Awards at our Annual Awards Evening which is a joint event with our Boys’ Brigade Company, and is usually held on the last meeting of our summer session in July.

Explorers work for Badges from the n:vestigate programme. During their time in the n:vestigate group, Explorers will go on an exciting journey, with lots of different experiences to get involved with on the way – from games and craft to serving others. These experiences are known as n:vestigations and feature Gabby, Barney and Fudge the floppy dog. Gabby and Barney are friends who love exploring and investigating.

Juniors work for Badges from the n:gage programme which is designed to help them discover who God created them to be and to discover the adventure that is following Jesus. Each time the Juniors meet during their time in the n:gage group, they’ll be joining in with an adventure, helping them to explore and develop an understanding of characteristics and values which will be good foundations for their life.

The Seniors in the n:counta group work for Badges from the n:counta programme which encompasses GB’s holistic approach integrating physical, educational, service and spiritual dynamics into it and is designed to help this age group meet real life head on.

In the n:spire group the Brigaders work for Badges from the n:spire programme which is designed to help them to experience the challenge of life with Jesus at the centre. Girls are encouraged to set themselves a challenge and plan how they will achieve it.

Attendance Awards are earned for not less than 75% attendance at Company meetings with effect from the night the girls join. These are awarded to girls during the anniversary month.

Seek Serve Follow Awards are given for not less than 60% attendance at Company Church Parades throughout the year September to June, and these are presented to girls at our Awards Evening at the end of the Brigade year. Those joining the Company after January will therefore not receive their awards until the following year.
At our Awards Evening we also present the Attendance Trophy to the girl with the best attendance over the year at Company (meetings and Church Parades) and District events, and the Golden Jubilee Trophy to one girl in each of the 4 Sections who has made a special contribution to the Company or her Section during the year.
We also like to encourage all those girls who don’t already attend their own Church to join with us at Christ Church for our Junior Church on a Sunday morning from 11am to 12 noon (except for Church Parades!). We all meet in Church just before 11am – no uniform – and leave for our groups usually after the second hymn.
We also like to encourage all those girls who don’t already attend their own Church to join with us at Christ Church for our Junior Church on a Sunday morning from 11am to 12 noon (except for Church Parades!). We all meet in Church just before 11am – no uniform – and leave for our groups usually after the second hymn.